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The bond that Babywearing brings...

Recently our very talented photographer friend Katie kindly obliged when I asked her to take some photos of Little M and I.

We never had that newborn photo shoot or any others as a family, maybe because I just didn't feel happy for much of the beginning and neither did Merida. It really wasn't a time I wanted to draw attention to.

Now she is three and things have truly changed and I'm so proud and happy, it felt like time to show it.

So we adorned our one and only personal sling - the wonderfully soft and aptly named "Merida's Pride" by Pretty Paisley Handwovens and we got the most beautiful shots.

I will safely now admit that it has taken almost three years for me to feel content, happy and in love as a parent to this strong-willed, amazing and (a lot of the time) emotional little lady.

Of course, she is just like me.

In the beginning, what should have been love and maternal instinct, felt more like obligation and guilt, which nearly broke our little family. However, like most things, there is only one way to go and that is forward and right now we have reached a lovely stage of happy and I will revel in it while it is here, taking what happiness I can now, to feed upon when things get rocky again and beyond. These pictures are a little celebration of what I have come through and reminder for me of the beauty that is there.

I can owe a lot of that to how much slings have helped us and also the wonderfully supportive sling community With each new day comes new strength and new thoughts. Thank you so much to for these wonderful images. #parenthood #pna #lifeisnotlikethemovies #strongmums #thismumcan #ittakesavillage

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